Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Who Needs Yoga If You Have a Boat"

Sue is always trying to get Curtis to do more yoga. Curtis likes the idea, and admits he had few or no back and neck issues the year we faithfully attended a weekly 2-hour yoga class. But, left to his own devices, he's unlikely to commit to more than a few sun salutations and downward dogs a day. Sue isn't much better, and would rather just go for a long walk.

narrow-cabinet-to-reach-seacock pose.
Enter: boat ownership. Move over, Yoga Vida and Yoga Oasis. We are currently discovering (inventing?) new poses daily. Hourly.

Downward dog, you say? We recommend downward-inspect-anchor-chain-locker. Tree pose? Now known as remove-shoes-at-top-of-ladder-while-carrying-bucket pose. Cow pose variation: crawl-into-quarterberth-to-spray-Moldex-around-perimeter. Half moon hand-vacuum-cleaner-over-side-rail-to-ladder-person pose. Standing forward bend-double-to-extract-adult-beverage-from-refrigerator-depths pose. Port-o-potty pose. Sacked-out (corpse) pose.

to-install-washdown-pump pose.
water-tank pose.

Curtis is right.